

No two projects are similar, Hence we:

  • Maintain core team of resources.
  • Structure project team around project and client needs.
  • Supplement resources with selected skilled resources.
  • Focus on Project, Engineering and Construction Project Management
  • (supported by sound engineering experience and qualifications).
  • Capital, Cost Saving and Business Improvement

Sample Some Of Our Projects;

Rehabilitation of Lesirkan Water Supply

  • Rehabilitation of 100m3 Masonry Tank and Water Points
  • Rehabilitation of Existing two troughs and construction of new trough for shoats
  • Rehabilitation of the fence around the borehole area & protecting the borehole from Flash floods
  • Rising Main rehabilitation
  • Dyke protection of Lesirikan center from flash Floods
  • Pipeline Extension to Ndoto Boarding Secondary School

Client: Kenya Red Cross Society

Rehabilitation Of Kureswo Water Supply Project In Baringo County

  • Civil works for pipe laying
  • Supply of requisite installation materials;
  • Civil works for Construction of community water points, pipeline appurtenances including road crossings, anchor blocks and piers, section valves, air valves, washouts, and rehabilitation of existing water kiosks.
  • Installation of 10,000 litre plastic water tank


Supply And Installation Of Drip Irrigation Kits

  • Installation of drip irrigation lines
  • Installation of steel tank stands
  • Installation of PVC water tanks
  • Installation of HDPE Pipes and fittings

Client: County Government of Kitui

KANOGA Dam Project

  • Excavation & Construction of the dam
  • Water Intake, Drainage & Piping Works
  • Auxiliary Dam maintenance works

Client: TARDA

Isinya Fishpond Project

  • Excavation & Construction of the Fishpond
  • Specialized fishpond lininf installation, drainage & Piping Works
  • Auxiliary pond maintenance works

Client: Isinya Fish and Fingerlings Farm

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.